Fostering A Great Place to Work
Respecting Human Rights
Amorepacific Group declared its support for the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2007 and upholds the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. In 2018, we also established and announced our human rights policies reflecting our commitment towards human rights management, while promoting the implementation of human rights management across the overall value chain.
Human Rights Policy Statement
Amorepacific Group upholds the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea. We are dedicated to identifying and managing any potential human rights issues throughout our entire business operation, including subsidiaries and supply chain.
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Identifying Human Rights Risks and Human Rights Due Diligence
Human Rights Due Diligence Process
Amorepacific Group identifies human rights issues in its subsidiaries and overall business activities by comprehensively considering past human rights issues, frequency of occurrences and severity. Our human rights due diligence focuses on vulnerable areas based on the characteristics of each subsidiary and local laws and regulations, and findings are reflected in the Group's remediation action to improve and prevent recurrence.
Risk Identification
Employees, supply chain, and customers
Risk Assessment
Compliance to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, APG human rights policy, ILO standards, labor laws, and sustainable management guidelines of partners
Due Diligence
Self-inspection and on-site due diligence
Improvement Measures and Management through remediation and monitoring
Human Rights Due Diligence Results
Amorepacific Group conducts self-inspections of human rights across 11 subsidiaries, including Amorepacific, reviewing labor and human rights status such as compliance to Labor Standards Act as well as wage standards and non-discrimination principle. In 2019, 2 areas of improvement were found in 2 subsidiaries and remediation actions have been requested. The subsidiaries developed plans for improvement, which will be monitored by units leading the due diligence. Each year, Amorepacific inspects the human rights status of its partners through third-party agencies, identifying and requesting remediation in areas of improvement such as providing education and training to employees and ensuring the freedom of association.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Education
Amorepacific Group conducts education on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace for all employees. In July 2019, the Group ran the first course of online training on sexual harassment prevention. And in December, additional training was held for new recruits and employees who did not complete their training.
Education to Improve Perceptions on People with Disabilities
To spread the value of inclusivity and improve perceptions on employees with disabilities, Amorepacific Group conducts education on improving perceptions on people with disabilities for all employees. In September 2019, the Group ran the first round of online education and, in December the same year, an additional training for new recruits and employees who did not complete the training.
Building Labor-Management Relations of Trust
For the past 28 years, Amorepacific has maintained a dispute-free labor-management relationship by building mutual trust and continuous communication. Amorepacific and all subsidiaries comply with Labor Relations Act and relevant regulations and conduct self-inspections of work conditions at least once a year. Our Labor Relations and HR Teams provide support in areas that need improvement according to inspection findings. As of end of 2019, Amorepacific Labor Union consists of 2,846 members, which account for 50.5% of all employees. Employees can freely join or withdraw from the union and the collective bargaining agreement entered every two years applies to all employees. Amorepacific labor-management council is held every quarter as a venue to discuss employee welfare, grievance handling, safety management and other ways to achieve mutual growth. There are other various communication channels as well such as business briefings, sharing business plans, and labor union members’ meetings, encouraging active communication between labor and management.