Amorepacific organized the ‘2021 Pink Run Plus’ competition for the first half of this year for a week from June 14 (Mon) to 20 (Sun) as part of its ‘Pink Ribbon Campaign’.

The ‘Pink Run’, the representative program of the Pink Ribbon Campaign, has been running for the 21st year this year to improve the awareness of breast health. It has been held as a non-face-to-face event, the ‘Pink Run Plus’, since 2020 for the safety of participants due to the COVID-19.
For the competition in the first half of this year, 7,000 participants from all over the country joined for running at their desired place and time during the week and attested their records.
To add excitement for the participatns who used to enjoy the event together at the site of the Pink Run every year, Amorepacific organized various events from the application process till the end of the competition on the Pink Run’s official social media account. For instance, ‘Special Place Run’ asked participants to introduce their own special places for running while for ‘Best Pink Dresser’, participants posted pictures of their unique and fun running outfits. Event winners will be announced on the Pink Run website in early July and the result will also be notified individually.
On the last day of the competition, on June 20 (Sun), a real-time radio show of '2021 Pink Run Plus' was aired via Naver Now for one hour from 10 am. It aimed to form a 'relaxed solidarity' between the participants as they could run in different places but together while listening to the same radio show.
Comedians Kim Shin-young and Kim Hae-jun, who were the hosts of the show, delighted the ears of the Pink Run Plus contestants. Noh Dong-young, the President of the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation and one of the most famous breast surgeons, and Ahn Jung-eun, an advocate of running who also leads the trend in running, joined the show as panelists to offer general knowledge on breast health and the correct way of running.
A total of 72,323,300 KRW, including the participation fees (10,000 KRW per person) and additional donations, was delivered to the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation, and the entire amount will be used to support the cost of surgeries and preventive checkups of low-income breast cancer patients.
The ‘2021 Pink Run’ competition for the second half the year is scheduled to be held in various ways in October, which is the ‘Month of Breast Cancer Prevention’. Along with the online competition 'Pink Run Plus', an offline competition 'Pink Run X Yongsan Park' will be organized at the partially open site of Yongsan Park. Registration for online and offline events will be in August.
To receive updates on the events, please follow the official account of the Pink Run Plus on Instagram.
Meanwhile, Amorepacific unveiled its five promises for 2030 sustainable management, ‘2030 A MORE Beautiful Promise’ this month (June).
It is a commitment that all Amorepacific employees will work together to make A MORE beautiful world and a promise to the stakeholders about what the company will pursue for the next 10 years. Five action goals were set based on the two pillars of ‘moving forward together with customers and society’ and ‘coexisting with Mother Nature’.
The Pink Run Plus is an activity that corresponds with ‘moving forward together with customers and society’ and contributes to supporting people’s healthy life.