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AMOREPACIFIC set out five sustainability management goals as part of '2030 AMORE Beautiful Promise' with its commitment to a better society and environment.

With focus on two guiding pillars and five goals, AMOREPACIFIC will endeavor to promote sustainable consumption among customers, contribute to making a better society for all, address global climate change with others, and seek co-existence with nature through purpose-driven brand activities until 2030.

2030 A MORE Beautiful Promise

Move Forward Together with Customers and Society Read more

Amorepacific will continue purpose driven brand activities that promote sustainable consumption and contribute to a stronger society in ways that enhance our customers’ lifestyles.

  • 1. Instill the values of environmental and social friendliness into 100% of our new products and pursue endeavors that encourage sustainable living.
  • 2. Promote diversity and inclusion across all our global workplaces and beyond, while seeking harmonious growth with all our stakeholders.
Coexist Responsibly with Nature Read more

Amorepacific will continue to address the climate crisis together with others and seek to coexist in harmony with the natural world around us.

  • 3. Achieve RE100 and accomplish zero waste to landfill across all business sites worldwide by 2025.
  • 4. Reduce the use of plastics in product packaging and create 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable plastic packaging materials.
  • 5. Invest KRW 10 billion into biodiversity conservation efforts and increase the use of RSPO certified palm oil to 90% or more by 2023.

Key Achievements

Move Forward Together with Customers and Society

  • 91.8 %

    Ratio of new products that incorporate the value of environmental or social friendliness.

  • 1,900 tons

    Amount of new plastic reduced in packaging.

  • KRW 6.6 billion
    (Cumulative: 20.45 Billion)

    Funds spent on strengthening the economic capacity of socially vulnerable groups and supporting healthy lives of citizens.

*Based on 2023 performance

Coexist Responsibly with Nature

  • 51.4 %

    Rate of conversion to renewable energy.

  • 23.8 %

    Ratio of recycled or
    bio-based over
    total plastic weight1)

  • 91.5 %

    Ratio of RSPO-certified palm oil use.

*Based on 2023 performance

1) Calculated based on the 2023 Korea Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system

Amorepacific CSR Site

Amorepacific Foundation
Amorepacific Foundation was established to discover the value of culture by supporting academic, educational, and cultural projects, and to contribute to communicating those values with the public. Since its establishment in 1973, the foundation has supported academic research with the keywords of ‘Asian beauty’ and ‘women and culture’, and strives to ensure that the results lead to the creation of new values.
Amorepacific Empathy Foundation
The AmorePacific Welfare Foundation was established in 1982 to promote welfare and the quality of life of women in the vulnerable sectors of our society. The Foundation helps women in need in the community, including single mothers and victims of domestic violence, to become fully functioning, independent members of the society and to lead happy, fulfilling lives.